Friday, March 15, 2013

Serendipity - The Essence of Genealogy, the Discoveries Continue -

For the past week the research on my relative's ancestors has unveiled some very interesting unknown pieces of information. Yesterday we worked for four hours sorting a collection of family documents and assimilating the information into her database. As of today we have identified seventy-three individuals, twenty-three marriages, seven families in her direct line and then some collateral families. These are large families that involve inter-family adoptions and several divorces.

Of the documents we examined there were seven birth certificates, two corrections of birth certificates for adoptions, five death certificates, one marriage certificate, one divorce decree, one life insurance application, one application for a military cemetery marker including military papers, one obituary, one will and two baptism certificates. As the information was abstracted from the documents these papers were place in archival safe sheet protectors and then placed in a notebook. By the time we were done the notebook was bulging.

Now that the information has been entered into the computer database, and a bit more research for the families was done online, we are ready to print the pedigree chart and family group sheets. These pages will be inserted with content dividers, so the notebook will make more sense as family members share it. At the end of this lengthy process my relative mentioned that next time we would go through the pictures in her box and put faces to the names we are working on. She has grasped the essence of genealogy.

I hope you have the joy of such experiences. They are all waiting in the boxes of collections that we need to review over periods of time. There are several such boxes waiting for me in my office and it is time to get on with the discoveries. I hope you are having a great week doing genealogy.

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