Thursday, October 6, 2016

This is what has been keeping me busy for the last month.

This is what has been keeping me busy for the last month. These are posts from facebook.

August 28, 2016 ·
We are about half-way done with the first phase of sorting boxes of mixed documents, photos, etc. for the Scappoose Historical Society. We hope to finish it by the second week in September. We began on August 23, 2016. It is great to work with some very nice people. It helps me to get out and learn new things. Now I am also working on some family history research about the Watts family and their relatives. I always love a new challenge!

September 10, 2016·
Another busy week. I spent two days working at the Watts House for the Scappoose Historical Museum. We finished up the boxes (about twenty) and everything is now in tubs. The next step will be placing much of it in notebooks by type, dates and people. There are six tubs, two large, two medium and two small. There are also two small tubs downstairs that hold old newspapers. Yesterday I went with a friend to St. Helens for lunch, to visit the St. Helens Public Library and then to the Caples House in Columbia City. We had tea and then toured the historic buildings at the Caples House. What a great historic treasure. Today we went to the 25th anniversary celebration of the Genealogical Society of Washington County open house. It is so good for me to get out of the house and be around some wonderful people. We did an "ask the expert panel" and people had some great questions for us. Now I am tired and resting.

September 27 , 2016 ·
By the end of this week I will have spent 60 hours working at the Watts house in Scappoose, Oregon. In that time I have sorted through twenty boxes of stuff: pictures, documents, agendas, personal history pages, etc. We are down to six tubs. One for the Columbia County collection (one notebook), one for the Scappoose Historical Society Board collection (two notebooks), two for the Scappoose History collection (two notebooks), and the last two tubs with pictures of people, places and things. It has been a long process, but the results are incredible. Now they are preparing for the Christmas tours and soon I will take a break. It will be hard to stop the flow of energy that is taking place.

October 6, 2016
Today I worked at the Watts house historical museum and finished organizing the last tub. This was the Board agendas, minutes, letters, and many pages of documents. At this point there are three notebooks. One from the founding of the society in 1974 to 1999, one from 2000 to 2004 and one from 2005 to 2007. We gained another box on Saturday for records from 2013-2016 which we are going to put in a tub and go through after the holidays. There is a great deal of historical data with regards to the society, the city and local people. As might be noted there are no known records from 2007 to 2013. For the next couple of months I will work from home on building the family history of the people who lived in the Watts house or were their extended family and friends.

In the past weeks the family information was entered into a computer database. With the books sold by the society we found 182 people and 54 marriages. Today we are at 697 people and 233 marriages found within this collection.  

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