Friday, May 1, 2020

1 May 2020 Update

May 1, 2020 starting a new month with some great things happening today. I actually slept for eight hours last night. It felt so good and then I was up by 8:30, had breakfast and emptied the dishwasher. As I was sitting down in my recliner my good friend called and reminded me that the Women's Conference session was just starting. It was so nice to watch and the messages were so uplifting. They are available at

Later I finished reading the book, The Pioneers by David McCullough. I did a bit more work on the Tidd family database that I repaired after making two bad merging moves. There is a bit more to do. Sent an update for the descendants list to two fellow researchers so they can now see how we are connected. They responded very appreciative of the work accomplished so far. Then I checked the DNA connections.
We put out more sugar water for the humming birds and suet for the others. The last few weeks I had just let them go. Looking forward to seeing more birds.
My head is better but is still healing from the fall. I am so happy the markings on my face are gone. My feet are healing and that helps so much. Just need to get rid of the fuzzy head feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Just curious what was the Women's Conference? I had not heard of it. By the way, did you have any ancestors in Clinton County,NY? I have a Monty line there who were French Canadian from the Ft Chambly area.
